Enhancing your Focus Factor

Cell phone texts, email alerts, Mom calling, kids need a wipe; does anyone else feel like a ping pong ball bouncing from one thing to the next, without the ability to focus or concentrate on one thing at a time?

Life is way too busy, and way too short to let it continue without the enjoyment of focus. What is focus exactly? Webster’s defines it as a central point, as of attraction, attention or activity. What happens when we have this sought after noun? Balance, productivity and peace. For me, these three words are essential for living an exciting and fulfilled life.

I wanted to discuss this topic today because so many of us (including myself) tend to lose sight of what is really important in life. I can’t imagine being old and ready to pass on while thinking "I really wish I would have checked my email more often."

Let’s start with balance. There is a time and a place for everything. If you find yourself starting a sentence and being unable to finish your thought process, know that your balance is out. You are unfocused and trying to accomplish too many things at once. Even though you feel like you are getting a lot accomplished, things are happening inefficiently, which leads to mediocre production and irritability. By implementing a few "focus rules" for myself, I have found that not only does my production increase, but I have much less stress and feel great about actually experiencing my life to a fuller potential.

1. With larger, more involved projects, turn off your cell phone and email alerts, call your Mom (or whomever it is that loves to contact you right when you’re deep into a task), and ask them to kindly "leave you alone" for the next couple hours.

2. Play some uplifting but non-distracting music. Your brain cells actually react in a more productive manner with easy background music because you are able to effectively use the left and right hemispheres in sync.

3. Set a limit. Research shows that about 90 minutes is the threshold for the productive zone. After that, your brain begins to wander on to other less focused tasks.

4. Take breaks. I can’t stress this one enough. Little 5 minute mini relaxation sessions will enhance your production exponentially. About every 30 minutes, do some deep inhales/exhales using your diaphragm (not expanding your chest). Feel the tingly oxygen rush to your head and use that for fuel. Whether you are deep into a project or lightly multitasking throughout your day, deep breathing is a must.

5. When you feel like you have way too much to get done and not near enough time to do it, replace your thoughts. Thinking "I’m never going to get all this done" will lead you directly to never getting it done! If you change that thought to "What’s my first step," you will accomplish step one, and before you know it, you’re finished! The hardest part to getting anything accomplished is starting the task.

6. When you get bored of performing the same thing over and over (let’s take folding laundry, for example), stimulate your brain cells by doing it differently. Dance and fold, or fold everything in a new way. I know it sounds a little ridiculous, but I’m telling you it works, plus it keeps life interesting.

Great ways to enhance your focus factor include using essential oils (such as a mixture of peppermint, lavender, and bergamot), and taking a good quality high DHA fish oil supplement. My all time favorite focus factor? I keep a small notebook next to my bed, and just before going to sleep, I do a quick outline for the next day. This simple task will keep you focused and save you hours.

But you won’t know it until you try it – start tonight!


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