"Joints are much better; mild congestions, and much warmer. I don’t’ have to wear long johns as much. Yeast issue gone; weight loss; more energy; generally feeling better."
— Cynthia M.
"My symptoms have significantly improved with supplements and dietary changes. The dietary changes are vital to the success of the program. We truly are “what we eat.” It’s encouraging when we see progress at the “heart rate sessions.” Thanks for your patience (with my not so compliant diet) and for sharing food/menu ideas."
— Trisha Dalbee (SP)
"I feel like a different person- Back to my energetic self. Have no joint pain; I am back to exercising hard and lifting weights. I have lost 18 pounds in 4 months. I take no prescription meds- off thyroid meds and antidepressants and feel great. My thyroid is in normal levels. I have to taken control over my eating habits and truly enjoy eating healthier. My husband is truly amazed at the difference in my health."
— Jodi Jelinek
“Hope is restored! Energy and drive now back to my 30’s, (I’m 64.) Functioning well throughout the day. Fantastic attitude. Keeping up with the grandchildren, and surpassing them! Skin is becoming elastic once again and healthy. I have not “arrived”… But I have most certainty left. I look forward to more health victories in the coming months. Thank you Advanced Health for bringing more knowledge and skill and caring hearts to the North Woods :)”
—Lorilee King
"I am better, but still want even more improvement. I have lost 22 pounds. My anxiety is decreased and I am overall in a better mood. I am off medications."
—Mary K.
"My digestive system has improved significantly, and am able to work on other areas that need improvement. Have also been able to lose weight; an added bonus. I have more energy and do not experience “shakiness” if I go longer between meals. I feel good about what I am putting into my body and feel more pro-active about maintaining my good health."
—Wendy K
"I feel good; I wake up and don’t hurt. I have energy because I am eating better, amazed on the different food that is out there, and is very good."
—Kathy Kurth
I am very pleased with the results of the NRT program and would highly recommend it to anyone. Dr. Bergman educated me as far as what foods were good for my body. I am no longer on any prescription medications, nor am I taking Vitamin C or Vitamin E. My kidneys are good and the soreness in my upper arms is very minimal. I also lost several pounds and am happier with my weight. Dr. Jerod Bergman, Dr. Ida Allen, and all of their staff were very professional, kind, and caring. They were a joy to work with."
"After going through the NRT and being educated by Dr. Ida Allen about proper nutrition, I am happy to announce the following results: (1) I am no longer on ANU prescriptions. (2) I have not had one single migraine headache since I started the nutrition program. (3) My cholesterol numbers (both good and bad) are where they should be. (4) My thyroid is working properly. (5) I no longer experience hypoglycemia symptoms or body stiffness upon waking. I am no longer taking any OTC vitamins; instead, I am taking the dietary supplements recommended by Dr. Ida Allen to maintain my current state of good health."
—Betty Leitz
'I went through the 12 week program once with significant improvement but needed to repeat it. I am still on the second stage almost one year later. Midway, I also began the Chiropractic program to work with the NRT. I can report that the asthma I had suffered with for many years was cleared up as of November. My sinus passages are opening and I can smell once again. Other benefits have been restful sleep, increased lung capacity and endurance and weight loss. I consider this program an answer to my prayer and I am grateful to Dr. Ida for her very real concern and care."
"My thyroid blood levels are all back to normal. I feel healthier. No more hallucinations, heart palpations, and my menstrual cycle is back to normal. Thanks to all the staff at advanced health for educating me to live a healthier life."
—Lois L.
My overall health has improved very much within short time. My energy level is good now. Have lost some weight. Seldom have headaches and sore joints like before. Digestion has improved. I feel more mentally alert and just feel more in tuned to everything around me."