The Surprising Relationship Between Jaw Position, Palate Spacing, And Overall Health

We all know that taking care of our health is essential, but did you know that even the position of your jaw and the spacing of your palate can have a significant impact on your overall health? In this article, we will explore the fascinating relationship between jaw position, palate spacing, snoring, oxygen deprivation, and cranial structure health, and how they are all interlinked.

Jaw Position and Strength:

The position and strength of your jaw are vital to your overall health. A well-positioned jaw can improve your breathing, sleep quality, and reduce the risk of snoring. A strong jaw is also linked to better digestion, as the muscles used in chewing help to break down food effectively.

Jaw Position:

The position of your jaw affects the alignment of your teeth and can also have an impact on the overall symmetry of your face. A well-positioned jaw can help to reduce tension in the neck and shoulders, improve posture, and even reduce the risk of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. An off-center bite can lead to misalignment of the jaw, which can cause discomfort and affect the overall appearance of your face. By realigning the jaw, facial symmetry can be restored and the bite can be centered, leading to a more attractive and balanced appearance.

Breathing and Sleep Quality:

The position of your jaw can also impact your breathing and sleep quality. A poorly positioned jaw can cause breathing difficulties, which can lead to snoring and sleep apnea. Snoring is caused by the vibration of the tissues in the mouth and throat due to a partial obstruction of the airway. By improving the position of the jaw, the airway can be opened up, reducing the risk of snoring and sleep apnea. This can lead to better quality sleep, which is essential for overall health and well-being.


Strong jaw muscles are essential for effective digestion. The muscles used in chewing help to break down food, making it easier for the digestive system to process. A well-positioned jaw also allows for proper alignment of the teeth, which ensures that food is chewed properly before it is swallowed. This can lead to improved digestion and absorption of nutrients, which is essential for maintaining good health.

Facial Symmetry:

As mentioned earlier, the position of your jaw can have an impact on the symmetry of your face. Facial symmetry is a key component of physical attractiveness and can affect how others perceive you. An off-center bite or misaligned jaw can cause one side of the face to appear more prominent than the other, which can lead to an asymmetrical appearance. By realigning the jaw, facial symmetry can be restored, leading to a more balanced and attractive appearance, reducing the double chin, increasing the pseudo cheek bones aka build the cheek muscles on the maxilla of the skull.

Here are the top 8 solutions to improve jaw strength and position:

1. Jaw exercises: Performing regular jaw exercises can help to strengthen the muscles in your jaw and improve its position. Some exercises include chin tucks, tongue presses (Mewing), and jaw resistance exercises.

2. Avoiding nail-biting and teeth grinding: Nail-biting and teeth grinding can cause tension in the jaw, leading to discomfort and misalignment. Avoiding these habits can help to improve jaw position and reduce discomfort.

3. Diet changes: Eating a balanced diet with a focus on nutrient-dense foods can help to support overall health, including the health of your jaw muscles. Non-processed foods, food you actually work at eating such as nuts, seeds, meats, etc…

4. Chewing gum: Chewing sugar-free gum can help to strengthen the muscles in the jaw and improve its position over time. If you really want to move the needle on jaw strength and facial structure the mastic gums are very helpful. I say if your going to chew gum, make it count.

5. Massage therapy: Massage therapy can help to relieve tension in the jaw muscles and improve overall jaw balance but it is up to you to improve strength.

6. Chiropractic adjustments to the jaw and neck to improve alignment and functional anatomy, again, increasing the strength is up to you.

7. Posture improvement: Improving posture can help to reduce tension in the neck and shoulders, which can improve jaw position and reduce discomfort.

8. Breathing exercises: Practicing breathing exercises can help to improve overall breathing and reduce the risk of snoring, which can lead to improved jaw position and overall health. Stop mouth breathing especially while sleeping. Tape the mouth closed as a reminder if needed. This has been shown to change jaw structure in younger individuals.

Palate Spacing:

Palate spacing refers to the amount of space in your mouth between the roof of your mouth and your tongue. A narrow palate can cause breathing difficulties, snoring, and even sleep apnea. Palate expansion can lead to improved breathing, reduced snoring, and better sleep quality.

Snoring and Oxygen Deprivation:

Snoring occurs when there is a partial obstruction in the airway, which causes the tissues in the mouth and throat to vibrate. Snoring can lead to oxygen deprivation, which can have severe health consequences, such as heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. Addressing the underlying causes of snoring, such as jaw position and palate spacing, can help to alleviate these health risks. Furthermore when sleeping with your mouth open tends to create more bacteria in the mouth causing an even greater risk for dental carriers and ill effects to cardiovascular system.

The relationship between snoring, oxygen deprivation, and oral health:

Snoring can occur due to various reasons such as obesity, alcohol consumption, smoking, allergies, and even genetics. When air passes through the narrowed airway during sleep, the soft tissues in the mouth and throat vibrate, causing the sound of snoring. This vibration also causes disturbances in oxygen flow, leading to oxygen deprivation. In severe cases, snoring can lead to sleep apnea, a condition where breathing stops and starts repeatedly during sleep.

Sleep apnea and chronic snoring can lead to numerous health problems, including heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. Oxygen deprivation caused by snoring can also lead to fatigue, memory problems, and reduced cognitive function. Additionally, sleeping with an open mouth can cause dry mouth, leading to increased bacterial growth in the mouth, which can increase the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Palate expansion is an effective way to reduce snoring and improve breathing. A narrow palate can lead to a restricted airway, making it difficult to breathe properly while sleeping. A palate expander device can be used to widen the upper arch of the mouth, creating more space for the tongue and improving breathing. This can also reduce snoring and improve overall sleep quality.

It's also important to maintain good oral hygiene habits, such as brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and using an antiseptic mouthwash. This can help to reduce bacteria in the mouth and decrease the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. One of the most important aspects of accessing the need for palate restructure that is overlooked and not considered by most is the overall functional capacity lost and inherent weakness in cranial and facial and fascial tension and structure related to re-occurring concussions. This is not taught in concussion assessments as I have gone through these courses repeatedly and they fall short for addressing why the persons structure is increasingly vulnerable to getting a concussion after the first one. A first concussion applies fascial restriction to the hypothalamus further restricting ventricular pumping of the cerebral spinal fluid affecting flexibility and reaction times. Once the already torqued cranial bones and tissues get impacted on another occasion it is much easier to be injured. This you are unlikely to hear from any other doctor.

Strategies that can be used to widen the palate:

1. Palate expanders: A palate expander is a device that is placed in the mouth to widen the upper arch of the mouth. This device applies gentle pressure to the palatal bones, gradually increasing the size of the palate over time. Palate expanders are commonly used in children to correct dental and skeletal issues, but can also be used in adults.

2. Myofunctional therapy: Myofunctional therapy involves exercises designed to improve the function of the tongue and other oral muscles. This therapy can be used to correct breathing and swallowing problems, and can also help to widen the palate over time.

For more severe solutions:

1. Rapid maxillary expansion: Rapid maxillary expansion (RME) is a procedure that can be used to quickly widen the palate. During this procedure, a special device is placed in the mouth and activated to apply a quick, controlled pressure to the palatal bones. This procedure can be done under local anesthesia, and is often used to treat breathing problems and orthodontic issues.

2. Surgery: In severe cases of palate narrowing, surgery may be necessary to correct the issue. Surgical options may include a palatoplasty, which involves removing a section of the soft palate, or a Le Fort I osteotomy, which involves surgically separating the upper jaw and moving it forward to widen the palate.

Up until this point, Additionally, widening the palate can also improve the appearance of the jawline and reduce the appearance of a double chin. When the palate is narrow, it can cause the lower jaw to be positioned too far back, leading to a weaker jawline and a more prominent double chin. By widening the palate and creating more space in the mouth, the lower jaw can be repositioned forward, resulting in a more defined jawline and a reduced appearance of a double chin.

Cranial Structure Health:

The position of your jaw and palate can also affect the overall health of your cranial structure (suture movement). Yes, sutures move even in adults not just children. A palate expander is moving the suture. A well-positioned jaw can reduce tension in the neck and shoulders, improve posture, and even reduce the risk of TMJ disorders. Addressing these underlying issues can lead to improved overall health and well-being.

How the position of your jaw and palate can affect the health of your cranial structure:

1. Tension in the neck and shoulders: A poorly positioned jaw can cause tension in the neck and shoulders. This tension can lead to headaches, neck pain, and even shoulder pain. By correcting the position of the jaw, the tension in the neck and shoulders can be reduced, resulting in less pain and discomfort.

2. Posture: The position of the jaw can also affect your posture. When the jaw is poorly positioned, it can cause the head to tilt forward, leading to a slouched posture. This posture can cause strain on the neck and shoulders, and can even affect the alignment of the spine and collapses the rib cage over the lungs restricting oxygen intake, choking the lymphatic drainage, pressing on the liver, inhibiting function and dilation of biliary channels. This can all cause toxins to collect in the body leading to further inflexibility. By correcting the position of the jaw, the head can be realigned to a more neutral position, resulting in a better posture overall.

3. TMJ disorders: The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that connects the jawbone to the skull. When this joint is not properly aligned, it can lead to TMJ disorders, which can cause pain and discomfort in the jaw, face, and even the ears. By correcting the position of the jaw and ensuring that it is properly aligned with the skull, the risk of TMJ disorders can be reduced.

4. Facial symmetry: The position of the jaw can also affect facial symmetry. A poorly positioned jaw can cause one side of the face to appear more prominent than the other, leading to an asymmetrical appearance. By correcting the position of the jaw, facial symmetry can be improved, resulting in a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.

In conclusion, the position and strength of your jaw and the spacing of your palate can have a significant impact on your overall health. Addressing these underlying issues through techniques such as jaw exercises, palate expansion, and breathing exercises can lead to improved breathing, reduced snoring, better sleep quality, and improved overall health and well-being. By paying attention to these often-overlooked factors, you can take a significant step towards improving your health and living a happier, healthier life.


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