Laser Therapy

What is it?

Cold laser brings red blood cells to the affected tissues, increasing oxygenation, and encouraging the mitochondria to output more enzymes and ATP. Laser treatments restore balanced cellular biology, reduce pain and inflammation, and hasten the healing of muscles, ligaments, and bones. Cold Laser therapy uses low-level photonic energy to target scarred, injured, inflamed, infected, toxic, or otherwise impaired tissues. Injured cells, in particular, readily take on the photons of light, which promotes healing and cellular regeneration.

Laser Therapy Can Help With:

  • Strains, sprains, shoulder injuries, and other acute problems

  • Injuries that result from repetitive moves (carpal tunnel syndrome)

  • Arthritis Dermatome scarring

  • Allergy clearing

  • Lymphatic drainage

  • Acne, psoriasis, eczema, and related skin issues

  • Specific organ treatments

  • Toxicity in mouth tissue

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