Tanning Bed

Stand Up Tanning Bed

Our tanning bed exposes you to beneficial ultraviolet A and B rays, like those produced by the sun. And, as an added benefit, you’ll also help give your skin a more healthful glow.

Tanning beds produce ultraviolet A and B rays as well, however, most commercial tanning beds can be a cause for concern. The X-rays emitted by the bulbs, are a form of radiation, and can be potentially hazardous.

Our stand-up tanning bed supports:

· Your healthy immune system

· Your cardiovascular system

· Your prostate

· Helping increase your level of white blood cells

· Your healthy skin

Now you can get this beneficial energy in a completely safe way!

Finally a tanning / Vitamin D bed without the harmful rays!

Single Session $15

Package of 12 Visits $144 ($36 Savings!) + 1 Free

Call to Schedule your Appointment Today!

401 S. Pelham Street, Rhinelander, WI 54501


Phone: 715-362-2300


Friday 8am-11pm